Tuesday, July 3, 2007

So long, sensation

I can hear my keys clicking away as I type this entry, but if only I could feel them.

I spent about 18 hours each day for five days painting. Painting around light fixtures, painting next to trim and popcorn ceilings, painting over patches I didn't seem to paint enough the first time.

The end result is great, but little did I know I would be arthritic and numb afterward.

The home improvement store carried lots of great tools to get the job done. I bought this trim tool (Brad says it looks like a machete) that is basically a straight-edge for painting around trim and ceilings. Then the blue painters tape made quick work of the fixtures.

As excited as I was to finally get to paint walls without forfeiting our security deposit, I have learned my lesson. It is better to take it one room at a time than to try to paint an entire house in less than a week.

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