Monday, October 1, 2007

Save the water

It seems we're drying up. My grass sounds like Pop Rocks under my feet and it's all we hear about on the news (just imagine how much MORE you'll hear about an issue when you work in news).

Always striving to do my part, I vowed to cut down water usage.

Instead of running a shower just to shave my legs (it's getting to be pants weather, which means this practice is almost out of season), I decided to stop up the tub and keep the stubble water. I then decided instead of going to the gym I ran a gallon pitcher up and down the stairs, transporting the stubble water to the outside flower beds surrounding my newly-planted perennials and mums.

After more than a dozen rounds I felt pretty proud.

Now I'm way too conscious of my water usage.

There were some things I already did that also conserved water.

I don't run dishwashers or washing machines until I have full loads to wash. I don't shower daily (before you run screaming from my stubbly-legged stench, realize people with super-thick hair shouldn't wash it daily for risk of drying it out). I don't water my lawn and I don't wash my car with a hose.

But I took it a step further.

I now turn off the water when brushing my teeth (For me this is huge. I hate seeing spit in the sink).

I toss all the discarded water on the parched flowers (think of the girl from "Signs" with all the nearly empty cups laying around the house and you have a good image of what our living room looks like on any given day).

I stopped trying to rinse every chunk from our dishes before putting them in the dishwasher.

And there you have it! I at least think I'm doing my part in times of drought, and it really wasn't that painful. Well, unless you have to rub my legs. That would be painful...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I feel sorry for Brad and you stubble legs.... but hey he married you not me :)