Thursday, October 18, 2007

Where oh where did my water go?

The grass is the least of my worries.

Now I'm more concerned with the thought of showering with gallons of Wally World water or not showering at all. It's a desert outside and people still insist on watering their grass.

I asked the husband the other day why he thought people would sneak out to water their yards in neighborhoods with mandatory restrictions. His response: They're selfish.

They may have invested thousands in keeping their lawn bright green and plush, but when you have to brush your teeth with Diet Pepsi you probably won't care how green your yard is. (OK it probably won't get that bad, but my mind does wander.)

I've never seen a drought get this bad. I have a lot of questions.

Do houses with well water contribute to the water shortage?

What exactly is water rationing?

Is it going to turn into absolute anarchy as people fight for the last gallons? Will they rush the stores like the year of the Furby?

As I drove to work today I watched a crew power washing a sign in front of Kmart. I wonder if they used drinking water for that?

What happens when it's all gone?


Anonymous said...

I went for a run this morning before 6 and i was SHOCKED at how many were running their sprinklers during the middle of the night! It really makes me so angry knowing our grass is deader than dead and there are people out there wasting our water! Let's turn them in together! Amy

Anonymous said...

We are going to run our water all night long. Then we are going to eat doughnuts as you run by
your neighbor

Anonymous said...

YOur husband is 100% right that people are selfish.
These are the same people who refuse to recycle.

Soon those yard watering do nut eaters will have to poop in a hole in the ground cuz they have no water left to flush with.