Monday, April 7, 2008

Spring-ananza photos

I keep promising photos, so here they are:

I went to town on some shrubbery. The first photo is of a small cherry bush I planted on the corner of the garage. The flowers were so beautiful, but the photo made it look like it would be more of a bush than a tree.

Either way, it's on my side of the garage, so I see it every time I pull in. (Oh, I also put a few perennials in old pots - you can see one of them in the bottom of the photo).

Bumps recommended we get a Yoshino cherry tree for the south facing yard. I found one for a good price, so in the south yard it went! She said they make beautiful canopies. Let's hope ours produces some leaves and I'll be happy!

Then I attacked the utility boxes. They are hideous and stick out even more because they are at eye-level from the street. I got some edging strips that don't require digging, then filled it in with pine mulch.

The flowers are perennials (notice my theme - I'd rather they come back each year than have to get more annuals). The shrubs closest and farthest from the street are lilac bushes, and the middle is a forsythia bush.

Then we attacked the dangerous rock piles used for drainage in the back yard. I attempted to spread out the rocks last fall but stopped when I saw two Black Widow spiders lurking around.

With a borrowed shovel in hand and a helpful husband, we spread out the rocks to form an edge along our back slope. It still retains soil, but instead of two large piles it is now almost like a babbling brook.

The big black spot is where I had to fill in the hole left over from the pile. Once grass grows there it'll be a little extra piece of yard!

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