Wednesday, April 30, 2008


It's not often you have to watch for wildlife when mowing your yard.

I pushed our lawn mower along the side of our garage yesterday afternoon and a small critter stopped me in my tracks. I just thank God I was paying even half attention or I would have chugged along completely unaware.

This little guy was just hanging out along the wall. He didn't move when I got close to him, and he only tried to fly when I got a bucket and some gloves to move him to a safer location out of our tall grass.

Where did he come from? There are no trees in our yard, at least not large enough to support a bird nest. I thought perhaps he fell from a nest in the garage gutter, but I didn't see any twigs and the like.

Once I was finished mowing the yard I returned the baby back to the side of the garage and called Animal Control for help. They referred me to a woman who rehabilitates and releases wildlife, but she wasn't home.

I went for a run and when I got back the little guy was gone. Our neighbor's children were in their yard being dive-bombed by a mama-bird. They said the little guy made it to their bushes.

Good. Mama will take care of him. He's in better hands than my own.

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